‘Mutual fund’ is an investing instrument that pools the funds of investors to invest in various financial securities such as bonds, stocks, money market instruments, and other class of assets. These mutual funds are managed by Fund Managers. These managers, with their expertise invest the money/investments in various securities to help the investor gain better risk adjusted returns.
Mutual funds act as the gateway to various professionally managed portfolios for the investors. Whenever you are buying mutual funds you are particularly investing in the performance of a portfolio. The price of mutual funds is known as Net Asset Value (NAV)
The price/NAV of the mutual funds doesn’t fluctuate during market hours like stocks, but is settled on daily basis. Hence, once can invest in or redeem the investment in mutual funds at the current NAV
- Equity Funds
- Balanced Funds
- Fixed-income funds
- Index funds

BALANCED FUNDS - As the name suggests, the investment under this category goes in the bonds and equity instruments (both). This lowers the risk due to investing in more than one class of assets. However the returns depends on the performance of asset.
FIXED INCOME FUNDS - This type of mutual funds provides a fixed rate of return to the investors. These returns are available in corporate bonds, government bonds etc. The principle that works behind the fixed return is that these portfolios generate regular interest income which is then transferred to the investors.
INDEX FUNDS - These funds are designed for the cost-effective investors and have lately become a popular choice. Index funds don’t require any typical advisory. These are generated to match the constituents of the financial market index. These funds provide an all-encompassing market exposure, lower operating costs and low portfolio turnover.
Diversification - Generally, all funds offer diversification by investing in a broad array of securities. Investment funds in general will help investors diversify away the idiosyncratic risks that can affect one security or a group of securities in a specific sector. When seeking diversified funds, investor may need to closely consider the types of risks they wish to mitigate.
Convenience - Mutual funds are known to eliminate the risk-factor that an investor faces while investing in a particular stock or bond. Mutual funds give you the share in different assets and hence are way too convenient from investing point of view.
Liquidity - It is easier to switch in Mutual funds in the need of hour. An investor can make a switch anytime and the degree of loss is comparatively less due to diversification. Liquidity is one of the most important features of mutual fund investment.
Professional management - Mutual funds are managed by professionals who have a proper backing of research and markets know-how. So whenever you invest in Mutual funds, you are automatically investing in a professionally managed fund with reliable returns. That is the reason Mutual funds are known as professionally managed funds.
A portfolio is a well-built combination of different financial assets such as stocks, bonds, money market securities, their mutual and more. Portfolio management is an art of managing investments to attain a profitable assortment of assets.
PMS (Portfolio management service) is the most common services among investors. This is like a 360-degree service. It involves everything- from head to toe. Right from investing to attaining a profitable match of a different class of financial assets. Portfolio management is all about mixing and allocating assets for individuals and institutions. It involves -
- Mixing well-suited class of assets
- Matching them as per client’s need
- Managing the risk-against- performance
One must consider following points while investing in Portfolio Management Services.-
Portfolio management is all about analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of a particular investment and matching it with the risk appetite of the client to make a suitable portfolio.Wealth managers contribute greatly in creating and managing a balanced portfolio because of the intense research work and a better market understanding.
Wealthways caters its major portion of business from Portfolio management Services because of the presence of professionals on board that understand the behavior finance of investing well.
FIXED DEPOSITS are the financial instruments that are facilitated by NBFC’s or Banks. Fixed deposits provide a higher stream of income till the maturity date than any other unbalanced savings account. Fixed deposits have a lock-up period, during which the money cannot be withdrawn till the maturity date. The tenure of FD’s can range from 7-45 days to as long as 10 years. These are considered as high interest yielding financial vehicles. Another benefit that lies with investing in fixed deposits is that- the investor can avail a loan up to 80-90% of the value of the fixed deposits with lower interest rates. (1-2% minimum).
The services of Wealthways are focused towards providing the client with best possible financial instrument matching the requirements and circumstances to invest.
BOND is a fixed income providing instrument. It represents a loan made by an investor to any institution (Corporate or Government). Under this arrangement, the principal amount is paid back at the time of maturity and interest is paid as devised in the terms and conditions. It can be either variable or fixed. Bonds are generally issued by corporates and governments to fund projects and operations.
Two features of a Bonds are-
CREDIT QUALITY depends on the credit rating of the borrower (i.e. the institution). If the credit rating is poor, the possibility of default is higher. There are several credit rating agencies like CRISIL, S&P’s, Moody’s, Fitch etc. that publish rating reports for various entities.
TIMING determines the interest rates in most cases. If the maturity date is long, the interest rate paid would be higher, since the lender is exposed to the much higher inflation and macro-level risks.
Alternative Investment funds refer to hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, derivatives, arts & antiques, managed futures etc. Any form of investment that does not fall under the category of traditional investing like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. is termed as an alternative investment.
- This form of investment is generally preferred by Institutions or High Net worth Clients.
- The nature of assets that fall under this category are mostly illiquid.
- These are not regulated by SEC.
- Alternative investments have high minimum investments.
- The fees structure is also complex.
- The transaction costs are lower than the traditional investments.
AIFs are categorized under three classes
- Category 1 : Infrastructure funds, social funds
- Category 2 : Hedge funds
- Category 3 : Private equity funds, Debt funds

Managing Alternate investment funds require an expertise of over 5years in the field of portfolio building and trading in securities and other financial assets.
At Wealthways, Our professionals have over 17 years of experience in the field of managing financial assets and building portfolios.
Insurance is one of the most crucial parts of financial planning. It is challenging to take precautions all the time, and in the case of a mishap, people end up paying significant amounts from their saving pockets. Insurance has multiple benefits like -
- Insurance helps in Transferring risk. By paying a certain amount of premium, you get to transfer your risk to the insurance companies. This helps you in focusing on other essential things in life than some probable losses.
Insurance protects your property from any potential damages. If you own an expensive piece of property, it is necessary to safeguard that from any losses.
Insurance Protect your family against any future uncertainties. Having Life insurance helps you protect your family against any debts that you might leave behind or might even support them to survive.
Out of pocket health expenses cost a lot. To cover these up, there are several types of
Health insurance schemes that help in saving a substantial amount that goes out for healthrelated issues.
There are several types of insurances available, and all carry different kinds of benefits. Majorly
there are two types of Insurances
It is a contract that helps people in the case of death or disability. It helps the families of the insured after retirement as well. Life Insurance helps you in securing your family, financially even in your absence. Different types of Life insurance policies are-
- Premiums you pay can be deducted from your total taxable income (The premium deducted should not exceed 10% of your sum assured.)
It offers financial compensation in other cases than death. It compensated your financial losses related to fire, theft, health travel, etc. Simply, it provides protection to your assets. There are different kinds of general insurance.
- Protection of assets against any losses.
- Financial security against theft, health issues and more
- Helps in financial planning of future without the fear of losses.
- Health care benefits